EBSL Internship Program Paves Way for Student’s Future

EBSL Internship Program Paves Way for Student’s Future

Mr. Jason Chung, Project Manager of EBSL (right) presents a graduation certificate to Mr. Antonio Kam (left) graduate from the EBSL Internship Program.


Today marks the completion of EBSL’s third Internship Program. This year’s intern, Antonio Kam, received his graduation certificate from his mentor, Mr. Jason Chung – Project Manager of EBSL, after intensive training at EBSL.

With the rapid expansion of e-business in recent years, EBSL sees the urgency to nurture young talents for the industry. Therefore, EBSL started providing internship opportunities annually for students aged 16-22 during summer since 2014. During the program, students are trained to use the latest tools and softwares to solve real-life cases and challenges. This year, Antonio was given the chance to tackle two advanced tasks and achieved satisfactory results. The programs he developed are also used in EBSL’s operation.

“This is my third time participating in EBSL’s internship program. Throughout my internships, my mentors provided comprehensive training and guidance to make sure I can complete the challenges and understand the underlying concepts. I enjoy working at EBSL and I am determined to pursue a career in computer science in the future.” said Antonio.

“We enjoy working with young minds as it can be very inspiring. We are glad to be able to help our interns for their future career. We look forward to working with more students who are interested in computer science in the future.” said Mr. Jason Chung.

EBSL will be launching its fourth internship program in summer 2021, students who are interested to learn more about programming and computer science should stay tuned for the announcement.